Thursday, March 12, 2009

Greeetings and Salutations!

Hello Friends!
This is to be the first of few blog reports. Not that I will delete this, but I will most likely forget that I ever made one. Well now that I have opened the floor I will proceed to tell you a bit about myself. I know you are so enthralled. I was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon (a.k.a hippie town) I currently reside in good ol' Oklahoma! whoo-hoo. I play the violin, manodlin, and i'm learning to play the banjo. I'm telling you that is one frusturating instrument. If you've ever wondered why hillbillies are such drunkards it's because of that darn banjo. it's extremely frustrating, but also extremely awesome. I love acting, singing, and performing in general. I love Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Bourn movies, and anything to do with Tulle (*fool for tulle* eh? eh?) I love books and movies and movies and movies oh and books. I'm a nerd but I have learned to accept that and i hope you will learn to do the same because i refuse to conform into just another carbon copy of your average teen girl.
Well I do believe that'll do it for tonight! Have a wonderful Spring Break!

The Kelp-o